Noah Wand

Noah Wand is a West Australian painter frequenting acrylic paints and oil pastels. His work, tongue in cheek, pokes fun at the idiosyncrasies of West Australian coastal suburbia and the uncanniness that ensues. Noah Wand’s work is an amusing, colourful assessment of the place he calls home and the world he is a part of, inviting the audience to reconsider the familiar.

For any enquiries:

CV here
Shangri La
December 2024

Far away from the sewage, rats and crime
Ghost gums fight and dance for a warm embrace, side tracked by a little bit of sun
Bronzed, drunk and horny
Cold kegs pave the way for hot takes, arguments over nothing
Some cockeyed quarrel
Slick mullets sit on red necks, littered with shit tattoos and melanomas
The subjects of the court jeer and wink through sly smiles, sporting battle scars and board shorts
He stands, arms akimbo with his eyes on the back of his head
A love letter to the genre. Spreading rumours of camembert, quail eggs and ivory
Finger limes, colourbond and coward punches
Enter the Shangri-la
catalogue available  

Cheap Tongue Fundraiser
May 2024
Cheap Tongue Gallery

February 2024

Thumbpacked is a dance with the uncanny. Amidst vibrant hues, tales of Australian suburbia bear their fruit—Ozzie larrikins jeer and wink through checkers boards, merry go rounds and proverbs. Flaunting the Australian dream.

A compendium of taunting punters almost sinister in nature, Ozzie battlers sporting sly smiles parade their noble steeds. Melpomene and Thalia, the Greek muses of tragedy and comedy, intertwine and dance with the recurring Ned Kelly—hiding behind the mask,  such is life, laugh now, cry later. Thai proverbs plaster the work, telling tales of the quintessential, mandatory suburban Australian-South East Asian “sabbatical”. 

catalogue available

My Brothers Keeper
December 2022
Palette Fremantle

No two shots on the black
Evil eyes covered in turtle shell acetate
Friday nights turn into Sunday mornings, money for nothing
Big dogs barking orders, falling on deaf ears
Crab meat, fire pits and dart boards
My brothers keeper

catalogue available